


    ♦ Velocity Range : 0-12.5,5,0-25,0-50 mm/s (factory selectable).

    ♦ Vibration transducer VSF 1F is a piezoelectric accelerometer of compression.

    ♦ Accelerometer mounting thread 6 mm with stainless Steel Casting.

    ♦ Vibration protection and monitoring of critical industrial.

    ♦ Machineries like : Cooling fans,Engine,Compressor,Pump,Motor.



    ♦ Velocity Range : 0-12.5,5,0-25,0-50 mm/s (factory selectable).

    ♦ Vibration transducer VSF 1F is a piezoelectric accelerometer of compression.

    ♦ Accelerometer mounting thread 6 mm with stainless Steel Casting.

    ♦ Vibration protection and monitoring of critical industrial.

    ♦ Machineries like : Cooling fans,Engine,Compressor,Pump,Motor.


Output current -4-20mA DC proportional to rms velocity (mm/s)

Supply voltage -12-32V DC (4-20mA)

Frequency response -2Hz to 1kHz ±10%

Mounted base resonance -5kHz (nominal)

Isolation -Base isolated

Dynamic range -50g peak

Transverse sensitivity -Less than 5%

Operating temperature --25 to 90°C

Temperature sensitivity -0.08%/°C

Case material -Stainless steel

Mating connector -MTN/MH008

Mounting torque -8Nm

Weight -140g (nominal)

Sealing -IP67